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Royal Spaniel

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28 Май 2013
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Norma Inglis сейчас с Kevan Berry и Brian Rix.​

25 октябрь 2022 г. ·

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you, putting it my way, but nicely,
You are precisely
my cup of tea.
Not too far to travel to my next destination. Just a hop, skip and a jump to Yorkshire to North Skelton to Chez Ricksbury where I asked Mr Kevan Berry to “pour us a brew will yer love?”
I also picked up a few Yorkshire phrases that might come in useful in later life
“I’m fair t’middlin, thanks.”
“Keep your neb out of my business!”
1 What is your full name.
KEVAN BERRY (with an A )
As my Father was serving abroad at the time of my birth and my Mother was ill after giving birth, my two uncles Norman and Ernest registered the birth. Instead of registering the name my Mother wanted, they called me after themselves so I became Norman Ernest Berry. Needless to say my mother never ever called me Norman. In later life I changed my name to Kevan which was Mum’s original choice of name…and I’ve been Kevan ever since
2. Where were you born and tell us about your growing up? Parents occupation. Schooling. What was your first job. Any brothers or sisters. What did you like to do as a child. Any pets. Anything about your childhood really.
I was born in August 1950 in Guisborough, the ancient capital of Cleveland in North Yorkshire. Weighing in at 10lbs 3 ounces and one of 14 children. 3 boys and the rest were all girls. I think I was number 5. I have to say that I’m not sure how my father managed fourteen children… as it always seemed he was away serving in the army.
We were brought up to be good Catholic’s …until I was about nine.
As a child growing up in a large family I made my own pocket money and this was something that took up a lot of time. I would go collecting wood to cut up and go round the neighbourhood selling bundles of sticks for kindling. I also went foraging for blackberries and collecting rose hips to sell to the chemist shops.
As I matured and grew stronger, I used to help clean out the cattle wagons and sell the manure to gardeners. I did well at that… sh*t shovelling came in handy later in life I also worked at a local garden centre and as I read this I realised a lot of my childhood was spent working. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved my childhood and living in such beautiful countryside I was never indoors.
I did join the Boy Scouts but it gave me no satisfaction unlike the Red Cross and the Church Choir… oh happy days…. days when your parents didn’t have to worry about where you were or how long you were out.
Although I had a great childhood, trust me, I was no angel. I left school at 15 and had a number of jobs. Bringing a wage home was very important for our family, as my father was not in the best of health.
We always had a variety of pets….rabbits, chickens, dogs and cats. One of our neighbours bred Bedlington Terriers and the other neighbours had English Springer Spaniels and Yorkshire Terriers.
3 If you could change places with someone for a day who would it be? And why
I’m more than happy being me, I just wish I was as fit as I was when I was twenty
4 What is your favourite food? Your favourite tipple
You can’t beat fish and chips from Whitby …especially eating them out of newspaper at the Quayside with seagulls trying to steal your meal. I also enjoy a good Yorkshire Pudding…..mine are legendary
These days I’m not a big wine drinker but I do enjoy keeping the Scottish economy going by having the odd glass of famous Grouse whiskey.
5 Best RICKSBURY Dog and Bitch you have bred?
Found this one a bit difficult as we have been blessed to have bred so many wonderful Cavaliers, but CH RICKSBURY ROYAL TEMPTRESS for me epitomised the true Cavalier. She was the ideal size, a perfect head and such wonderful balance. On top of all that she was a wonderful show girl winning 28 CCs and 23 RCCs. If that weren’t enough she produced 4 UK champions. She had a wonderful temperament and was my bed dog.
In males, CH RICKSBURY ROYAL HERO 4CCs 5RCCs was a beautiful dog. He was always happy in the show ring and again like his famous mother “Temptress” he was a perfect size and a delight to live with.
Brian’s favourite ….CH RICKSBURY ROYAL EMBRACE 10CCs 4RCCs was also out of “Temptress”. A beautifully broken Blenheim girl with a classic head and a super mover. Like her mother she was a Toy Group winner.
6 Your favourite aftershave
My favourite cologne is Oud Satin Mood by Maison Francis Kurkjian. I also like Jazz by YSL … thanks for asking
7. Your own personal favourite heart dog, doesn’t have to be the best. And why?
All our dogs have been very special to us but If I had to choose one it would be “Polly” CH RICKSBURY ONLY CHARM…our first Champion. She was a great comfort in so many ways…not only in the joy we shared in the show ring. I’ll never forget the day in 1981 that Bryan Mitchell gave her the Bitch CC at Richmond. It was her 1st. CH CRISDIG TED was the Dog CC that day…. It was his 10th. Who could have predicted what the future had in store for the Ricksburys. ‘Polly’ was made up in three straight shows and won 13 CCs just two short of the then Breed record in bitches. We were unaware of the achievement until it was pointed out in the dog papers. Ironically she never won another CC and sadly never actually produced anything of merit either…. but she was our world.
8 Of all the CAVALIERS you have seen or judged which one in your opinion best fits the Standard……(Ricksbury excepted)
I have over the years had the honour and privilege to judge many outstanding Cavaliers in many countries around the world. Although there are too many to mention I’ll keep it to just 2 exceptional Cavaliers
HOMETOWN EVER HOPEFUL. Such an unfortunate name as he never got made up. He in my opinion was everything I looked for in a male Cavalier. Masculine without being coarse. Perfectly constructed and had a very proud head carriage with great neck and shoulders and so richly marked. He possessed so much that attracted me to the breed.
In Bitches I would say CH BYERSMOOR QUEENS ENGLISH. She was just utter perfection. The ideal Cavalier both in breed type and temperament. A great show off that never let her owner down.
In a very difficult choice deciding between these two, my final nod would go to Rob Sansom’s outstanding bitch.
9 Your favourite movie? Favourite actor and favourite actress?
I love a good movie and one that always cheers me up is ENTERTAINING MR SLOAN starring Beryl Reid.This film holds many happy memories for me sitting watching this with Jeanie and Denis Montford. I think we laughed all the way through it and I still do. I also enjoyed watching, several times actually, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN such a poignant movie.
I rate GLENDA JACKSON and KEVIN COSTNER as my favourites.
10 Your funniest moment in dogs?
I’ve had several funny moments in dogs usually in the company of Michael Boothroyd who was one of those great, much missed characters in the canine world. He never ceased to make me smile.
11 Favourite singer and type of music?
I have no particular favourite groups but I like to hear the the Rolling Stones and Coldplay when they come on the radio. I always enjoy Eva Cassidy and Kate Bush and am a huge fan of classical music, particularly Mozart.
12 Kind of car you travel to shows in?
I drive a Jaguar XF Sport Brake and we also have a Jeep Grand Cherokee for towing the caravan.
13 Saddest moment in dogs?
The demise of the great Cavalier breeders whose knowledge is irreplaceable. Whilst the loss of Caroline Gatheral was to be expected, I still miss her greatly.
14 The Dog or Bitch who got away?
Brian and I have never been commercial breeders and we’ve been more than happy with all the homes our puppies have gone to.
One dog we did regret not having back when offered to us was RICKSBURY MR PORTER
15 What other things do you enjoy doing away from dogs.
I am quite immersed in entertaining doggy friends and we’ve had some marvellous dinner parties over the years. I am also fascinated by history particularly The Tudors.
16 Your favourite judge?
The American Anne Rogers Clark who judged all of the Groups and Best in Show at LKA a number of years ago. You could tell by her facial expression the dogs that took her eye. There was no playing to the audience, she just got on with the job in hand… judging. She showed no favour. After her judging she was marvellous to chat with. I remember her judging Whippets at Windsor one year. It was a huge entry and after the judging I said to her “I thoroughly enjoyed watching you go through the breed and I particularly liked your junior bitch winner”. She quickly pointed out all its virtues and shortcomings. Love this quote of hers “ make the first cut on type …then reward the soundest of the typical specimens “
Bobby James was another very watchable judge and his expertise and ability to write a critique was amazing. He had an amazing memory for dogs he had judged.
17 If stranded on a desert island what items would be vital?
This is an easy one A case of famous Grouse whiskey and a deerhound. My cup would be full and runneth over,
18 Your favourite TV shows
Bargain Hunt. The Antiques Roadshow. Escape to the Country and Have I Got News for You.
19 What piece of advice would you give newbies just starting to show?
Don’t they know it all already?? If on the off chance anyone would ask for advice I’d say ……”do your homework, look at the Yearbooks, find a breeder that sells good ones to other people and be prepared to wait for the right puppy.”
20 If a fairy granted you 3 wishes what would you wish for?
Well I’m pretty much content with my lot …
so it’s
1 good health
2 having the support of Brian and good friends 3 not to be kennel blind.
21 Where do you like to holiday?
I am happy chilling at home and we are blessed living near the beautiful North Yorkshire moors and have the fabulous North East coast line on our doorstep.
PS don’t tell Brian but I quite enjoy our caravan travelling around the UK dog shows.
22 How did you become involved with Cavaliers
Whilst Brian and I were on our first holiday together we visited Newquay. We had already agreed we would like to have a dog but we hadn’t decided what sort. That is until we went into a little shop in the town. The owner had her little pet dog sitting on a chair. Brian immediately said “that’s the sort of dog I would like”. It was the most beautiful Ruby cavalier with a soulful expression… a hallmark of the breed.
On our return from holiday we set about acquiring our first Cavalier. It took a while but eventually OAKORANGE MISTRESS MOLL joined us and we were hooked on the breed forever. She was no show dog but boy what a joy she was.
23 If you could invite people from the past or the present to dinner who would you like around your table. You can consider celebrities etc.
Over the last 50 years we had the pleasure of regularly having Caroline Gatheral for dinner and have so many fond memories. It wasn’t unusual to find us still sitting around the dining room table watching the sun rise. How I wish I could have her back for one more dinner party. I’d probably invite Joyce Birchall (Zepherine) King Charles Spaniels) and Jeanie Montford and finally Evan Ryan who would be in his element listening and absorbing the conversation.
24 What kind of thing makes you mad?
I abhor people that keep Cavaliers caged. They are lap dogs and they thrive on human companionship. I also hate the lack of respect these days from fellow exhibitors. When we were new to showing dogs we looked up to the successful breeders, I do feel that there’s a lack of respect in the dog game sadly.
It goes without saying but I will…. I detest animal cruelty.
25 Why do you think RICKSBURY has been so successful in the show ring? What’s been your guide?
When we decided to do a little breeding and showing we did our homework. We wanted to emulate those that went before us and breed dogs that were considered typical examples of the breed. Dogs like CH LEYNSORD SALUTATION, CH KERSHOPE REBOUND, CH ROSEMULLION OF OTTERMOUTH. We never set out to follow fashions but merely to maintain the standard that Mrs Pitt, Mrs Keswick and Mrs Burgess had worked so hard for. I feel satisfied that Ch Ricksbury Only Charm JW would sit comfortably at Ricksbury today even though she was our first champion more years ago than I wish to remember.
I remember a dear friend many years ago saying to Brian and I “If I think you’re doing anything wrong, I’ll be the first to tell you”.
She reminded me before she died about that conversation saying “I have never told you that you have done wrong, did I?”
26 How did you and Brian meet?
A friend of mine was running a discotheque in Guisborough and asked me If I wanted to go. Brian, who was very friendly with the people running it, just happened to pop in. He was heading on somewhere else if I remember. Anyway my friend introduced us. Brian was very handsome, unlike me with my long, black locks. Anyway he didn’t go on to wherever he was headed. Instead he asked me out for a drink and I said ‘yes’. But I do remember saying “but I don’t drink”. Anyway we chatted and he asked if I would you like to go to Scarborough the following day. It was love at first sight. That was 52 years ago and we still have that great bond and found a hobby that we both love.
27 If you could change something in the dog show scene what would it be?
The dog world is very accommodating be you a Prince or a Pauper… it doesn’t matter. If I could change just one thing it would be to stop all the outside interference we have to put up with from people with nothing better to do than bring the dog world down. Just just look what’s happening to our hobby in other countries …it’s really quite frightening.
28 Your happiest moment that you wished you could relive over again
Certainly my happiest was the day I met Brian. Little did I realise the journey it would take us on. We all in our lives have paths we must travel down. Ours at times has been rocky but we are still here with so many proud moments. One in particular was the day “Polly” got her final point for her Junior Warrant. It wasn’t easy in those days with such a depth of quality in the show ring and it made us both realise this was going to be our life. It’s been a blast and still is
Kevan Berry
Последнее редактирование:

Kevan Berry

20 ноябрь 2018 г. ·

In 1981 the 1st Ricksbury champion was made up at the prestigious west of England championship show.it has over the years been a very successful show for us.six times best in show here is a few of them happy memories.and some sadly missed faces



Ch Ricksbury Rumour Has It

Int Ch. Miletree Montesuma of Londoner x Ricksbury Adele

Bred by Messrs Rix and Berry

CC+BOB Scottish KC 2016 ~ Judge Mr E Paterson

CC Blackpool 2016~ Judge Mr R Haynes

CC City of Birmingham 2016 ~ Judge Mr A Allcock

Ch Ricksbury Venus To Ellisiana

Ch Aranel Cosmic X Ricksbury Royal Rumours

Owned by Mr + Mrs Hindle

CC Driffield 2008 ~ Judge Mr E Paterson

CC Belfast 2008 ~ Judge Mrs Jill Peak

CC+BOB East of England 2009 ~ Judge Mr M Spark

Ch Ricksbury Royal Tradition

Ch Pascavale Enchanted X Ch Ricksbury Royal Embrace

Owned by Rix and Berry

CC + BOB Birmingham 2008 ~ Judge Ms A Bubb

CC Blackpool 2008 ~ Judge Mrs V Barwell

CC Northern CKCS 2008 ~ Judge Mrs S Allerton

Ch Ricksbury Royal Empress

Ch Ricksbury Royal Hero X Ricksbury Royal Desire

Owned by Rix and Berry

CC Scottish CKCS 2007 ~ Judge Mrs J Bowdler

CC South + West Wales CKCS 2007 ~ Judge Mr F Kane

CC + BOB Leeds 2008 ~ Judge Miss L Read

Ch Ricksbury Royal Escape

Ch Ricksbury Tommy X Ch Ricksbury Royal Temptress

Owned by Messrs Rix & Berry

CC + BOB Birmingham 2007 ~ Judge Dr M Boggia-Black

CC + BOB South Wales 2007 ~ Judge Mr M Horan

CC + BOB East of England 2007 ~ Judge Mrs M Spavin

Ch Ricksbury Royal Hero

Ch Ricksbury Tommy X Ch Ricksbury Royal Temptress

Owned by Rix and Berry

CC + BOB Belfast 2004~ Judge Mr R Lamont

CC + BOB Belfast 2005 ~ Judge Miss V Horan

CC + BIS Scottish CKCS 2005 ~ Judge Mrs L Gillhespy

Ch Ricksbury Royal Temptation

Ch Ricksbury Tommy X Ch Ricksbury Royal Temptress

Owned by Messrs Rix & Berry

CC Birmingham 2004~ Judge Mr J D Simpson

CC Scottish KC 2004 ~ Judge Mrs A Horan

CC+BOB Humberside CKCS Club 2004 ~ Judge Mrs D Fry
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