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Peter Gustafsson сейчас с Gordon Inglis и Norma Inglis.​


Norma Inglis сейчас с Miyuki Kotani и
ещё 2

A lovely day at SKC under judge Tom Mather.
“Richie”…..Verheyen Reacher at Craigowl is maturing nicely and won Junior Dog at 13 months

Ch Craigowl Billy Elliot

Ch Miletree Nijinsky X Craigowl Jennifer

Owned by Mr + Mrs Inglis

CC + BOB Border Union 2004~ Judge Mr M Sedgwick

CC Welsh KC 2004 ~ Judge Mr D Terry

CC + BOB LKA 2004 ~ Judge Mrs M Coaker

Norma Inglis

7 октябрь 2012 г. · ·
8. CH CRAIGOWL STORM OF HOMERBRENT with her daddy CH HOMARANNE CAPTION. Taken at the Amice Pitt Rally held by the South & Wales Cavalier
Club at Caldecot Castle in 1988. Storm was 7 and Caper was 12. by Norma
Verheyen Reacher at Craigowl


Norma Inglis сейчас с Maxine Fox-Shone

Quote “At the end of the day, if we can say we had fun, it was a good day”
Well that was yesterday
at Midland Counties….the show that kept on giving.
Up at 3am… we travelled four hours in horrid weather down to Stafford. ‘Richie’ competed in Junior dog and thrilled us by winning the class……back in and showed his socks off to take the Dog CC in strong competition. More was in store when he won Best Of Breed.
Next the Toy Group up against some fabulous breed representatives and the sun continued to shine down on Richie….Group 3. Yes, the day was turning into something pretty special.
We are indebted to the Cavalier judge Rhonda Rowley (Choya) and Group judge Tom Mather (Barkalots) for believing in our youngster. Lovely to see Rhonda there watching at the end of the day.
He only started showing 8 months ago and has given us some memorable moments including Best Puppy in Show at the CKCSC show in March under Mark Sedgwick (Pascavale) and co judge Maxine Fox-Shone (Pamedna) and a CC at 9 months of age from Nicky Firth (Firnick) at Bath.


Norma Inglis сейчас с Miyuki Kotani и
ещё 5

Another long drive on Saturday with my travelling companion “Richie”. This time down to the South West to Hereford where he went back to his roots at Verheyen meeting up with his mother Harriet and grandmother Meryt. It was lovely to see them all together.
Sunday, Mary and I travelled through the beautiful Forest of Dean to attend the two South and West Wales Cavalier Shows, Ch and Open.
Dawn Scott (Ravenselm) and Debbie Cooke (Jolainey) judged dogs and bitc***s at the Ch show and John Ritchie (Dykebar/Hollibell) judged the open show.
What a lovely venue. It was perfect for the Clubs requirements and the day went well.
Congratulations to all the winners at both shows and grateful thanks to all the judges. We were thrilled to go home with Reserve CC in dogs (behind Ch Ellemich American Express) and we also took Best in Show at the Open show. Lovely to see Carla Martin’s Babette get a well deserved Best Bit**.
There were some lovely dogs competing and the Committee made sure everyone had a good day.


Norma Inglis

13 ноябрь 2016 г. ·

Today was Miss Paula's day. Craigowl Keep In Touch winning BEST IN SHOW at Northern Cavalier Society Open show under judge Lesley Kilcoyne (Granasil). Helen Long (Arroline) judged the SAC classes and Paula won the Open class. Congratulations to all the winners. Loving the dog biscuit garland from the judge. I Will post more pics later

Northern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Society

The winners circle under judge Linda Peirson (KILTONDALE)
Best Bitch and Best in Show….Trish Potter’s TOYSWOOD ME MYSELF AND I
Best Dog, Best Opposite and Reserve Best in show ….Norma and Gordon Inglis’ VERHEYEN REACHER AT CRAIGOWL
Best Puppy….Maureen Richardson’s KRINGLEHOLME CORVETTE
Best Veteran in Show…Karen Kynaston’s GRANASIL GOLDEN NUGGET SHEX VW
Best Vintage in Show….Maureen Scott’s TOSCAM MCKAYLA

Norma Inglis

Best Dog , Best opposite and Reserve Best in Show VERHEYEN REACHER AT CRAIGOWL

Norma Inglis

19 ноябрь 2017 г. ·

Brenda....4CC 4 RCC
Bubba....4CC 1 RCC
Paula......5CC 3 RCC

Norma Inglis с Gordon Inglis.​

19 ноябрь 2017 г. ·
4 very special youngsters have brought home 17 CCs (Plus 8 RCC) In 17 months...a lot of miles covered in between and a lot of love, pride and emotion spurred us on. Yesterday was more icing on the cake. Thank you to judge Liz McInally (Dalvreck) for thinking so highly of Ch Craigowl Keep in Touch. The Scottish 'special' embroidered towel has found a good home....


Norma Inglis сейчас с Gordon Inglis и Mary Cunningham.​

1 ч. ·

Richie’s last show of the year ….Sunderland and District Canine Society. Opted for the half hour drive today to a local venue rather than the four hour drive to Stoneleigh yesterday

We had good fortune…..the boy won his class, then Best Of Breed then the Toy Group. To top it all the win gave him sufficient points to apply for his Junior Warrant.

Ch CRAIGOWL LUXEM BURG is now an International Champion. Sired by Craigowl Battenburg out of Craigowl Vivienne at Lovetrac and ownedand loved by Fabienne and Dominique Auqiert from Toulouse in France.
Это уже почти история...2013 год

“Richie”….VERHEYEN REACHER AT CRAIGOWL JW has finished 2023 winning the CKCSC Dog Puppy Tray awarded to Club members whose dogs have come out on top.

He started his show career at 6 months of age in February 2023 and we managed to attend 11 out of the 18 championship shows available before he left the puppy classes behind. Judging appointments and sheer distance and stamina
prevented doing more!

But he made the most of his outings …winning his classes, several Best Puppy in Show awards …including the CKCSC CH show and a marvellous accolade at Bath …..the CC at only 9 months.

His breeder Mary Cunningham has watched with delight from the sidelines cheering on her baby boy at every step of the way.

Gordon and I are thrilled at how his easy going, fun loving nature made him a joy to show.

Thank you, Mary, for allowing him to come to Craigowl. I think he has done his doggy mum Ch Verheyen Harriet JW and dad Ch Craigowl Out of Reach JW proud.

What a boy…..2CC, 1RCC, JW, 10 Best Puppy in Breed and a Toy Group 3 and all before he is 18 months old

“Reach for the moon and you might land among the stars”

Norma Inglis

«Ричи»….VERHEYEN REACHER AT CRAIGOWL JW завершил 2023 год, выиграв лот для щенков CKCSC, который вручается членам клуба, чьи собаки заняли первое место.

Он начал свою выставочную карьеру в возрасте 6 месяцев в феврале 2023 года, и нам удалось посетить 11 из 18 доступных выставок чемпионата, прежде чем он оставил классы щенков. Судейские назначения, а также огромные дистанции помешали сделать больше!

Но он максимально использовал свои прогулки...выиграв классы, несколько наград "Лучший щенок на выставке"...включая выставку CKCSC CH и чудесную награду в Бате...CC всего в 9 месяцев.

Его заводчица Мэри Каннингем с восторгом наблюдала со стороны, подбадривая своего малыша на каждом этапе его пути.

Мы с Гордоном в восторге от того, как его спокойный и веселый темперамент доставил ему радость на шоу.

Спасибо, Мэри, за то, что позволила ему приехать в Крейгоул. Я думаю, что он гордится своей собачьей мамой Ch Verheyen Harriet JW и папой Ch Craigowl Out of Reach JW.

Какой мальчик…..2CC, 1RCC, JW, 10 побед в классе щенков породы и 3 место в той группе , и все до того, как ему исполнится 18 месяцев.

"Little Miss Brenda" known as Craigowl Touchéalso won her Junior Warrant at Scottish Kennel Club show. Owned by Norma and Gordon Inglis.
Потрясающе красивая собака.Не смогла пройти мимо ее фото. 2016 год
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