Birmingham City Championship Show
29th August 2014
Победители отдельных классов:

Minor Puppy Dog - Cavaliegh Ice Man

Minor Puppy Bitch - Avalcier Rouge

Puppy Dog - Loranka's Edge Of Heaven

Junior Bitch - Loranka Could It Be Magic

JuniorDog - Beaudale Georgie Porgy

Under Graduate Bitch - Byermoor Masquerade

Under Graduate Dog - Daraste Bronson
29th August 2014
Победители отдельных классов:
Minor Puppy Dog - Cavaliegh Ice Man
Minor Puppy Bitch - Avalcier Rouge
Puppy Dog - Loranka's Edge Of Heaven
Junior Bitch - Loranka Could It Be Magic
JuniorDog - Beaudale Georgie Porgy
Under Graduate Bitch - Byermoor Masquerade
Under Graduate Dog - Daraste Bronson