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http://www.haranacavaliers.com нашла историю создания этого питомника. Сегодня этот питомник занимает лидирующее положение в разведении Кавалеров сплошных окрасов: рубинов и черно-подпалых. Собаки этого питомника Champion Harana Alfie Boe и
Champion Harana Cilla Black (оба черно-подпалого окраса) впервые были выбраны Лучшим Кобелем и Лучшей сукой CKCS Club 2013 года, а их мать Harana Grace Kelly была названа Топ племенной сукой 2013 года .
Harana cavaliers
In the Beginning……
We have always been an ‘animal mad’ family, with the usual myriad of pets, including dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, and fish. We always had poodles as pets, and bred a litter in 1976. We’ll never forget that night, the puppies just kept on coming and we ended up with 12! This brought us our first taste of fame through dogs, as we, and the puppies, were featured in the local newspaper!! It was then that the ‘Harana’ affix was born, used to register this, our first ever litter (for those wondering ‘Harana’ is an amalgamation of the first three letters of my Dads name and the last three of my Mums – Harold & Diana!)
When I was 9 years old my cat died and I was promised a dog of my own. Although, at that time we still had a Miniature Poodle, I fancied a spaniel and had set my heart on a golden cocker. However, some friends of ours, whose daughter I regularly played with, had recently bought a ‘black & white spaniel’ and I fell in love. After a bit of research, we discovered it was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. So, the local newspaper was scoured and a blenheim boy duly arrived, bought from Sheila Collier of the Sheilings affix. Sheila ran a ring craft club at the time and encouraged us to take him along. We thoroughly enjoyed it and started to enter him at a few shows. A few months down the line, and a few prize cards on the wall, and we were well and truly bitten by the bug!! He was an Astraddle Sigh 'n’ Nara son who was by the legendary Ch.Crisdig Leading Seaman.
We went to Crufts for the first time in 1980 and sat watching the judging. We found two types that we admired, kept jumping out at us. They were Mrs Burgess’ ‘Crisdigs’ and the Frys’ ‘Amantras’
We approached the Frys and they agreed to sell us a 12 month old tri bitch called Sea Pearl of Amantra. She was a daughter of Amantra Naval Encounter, who was a son of Ch.Amantra Anchors Away, and gave us our first real success in the ring, winning well at Open Shows. We approached them again and this time bought a tri dog called Amantra Arrowmint who was by Amantra Dicky Mint.
We then bought a Ch.Alansmere Aquarius granddaughter, Cottismeer Corsage at Harana, from Lorraine Higgins and a blenheim dog from Clive & Iris Marriott, Burkwoodi Down Town Boy at Harana. He was another Leading Seaman Grand-son and these four dogs were the foundation for all our parti-colours.
Corsage, mated to Down Town Boy, produced Harana Down Town Boogie, our first homebred Crufts qualifier in 1984. We were thrilled when Mrs Burgess asked to use Down Town Boogie on Ch.Crisdig Girl Friday. Two puppies resulted and we were lucky enough to buy one back. She was Crisdig Caribbean of Harana and when mated to Toraylac Christopher Robin (twice) produced Ch.Harana Christa at Toraylac, Harana Chumley, and Fr.Ch.Harana Constance. She also produced Harana Jemima, from a mating to Harana Hanky Panky. She was the dam of Harana Jean Muir – Bitch CC Crufts 2001 and Int.Ch.Harana Captain Whiskey who had quite an impact on the wholecolours in Scandinavia.
In the Beginning……(continued)
We had reasonable success with our parti-colours. However, I had always had a hankering for wholecolours, particularly the black & tans. A black & tan boy eventually arrived in August 1985. He went on to become my first champion, made up in 1987, and was, of course, Knight Magic at Harana. We were also lucky enough to buy Salador Copperglint at Harana from Sheila Smith, whose dogs we had long coveted. She was by Sorata Llewellyn (the Soratas being another line we greatly admired) and when mated to Knight Magic, who was a grand-son of Sorata Lawrence – Llewellyns brother, they provided a solid foundation for all our present day wholecolours.
Their first litter produced Harana Nutmeg, who was a prolific dam in her own right, and their second litter produced Harana Touch of Magic who had a huge impact on the wholecolours in Europe. Knight Magic produced 4 English champions, the first being my own Ch.Downsbank Roger from Harana who won 3 CC’s 4 Res CC’s and was Top Ruby in 1989, as well as other CC, Res CC, Junior Warrant and championship show prize winners, enabling him to be the first wholecolour ever to win the Pargeter Sugar Bowl for Top Stud Dog and being runner up twice. He was tragically run over and killed on the lane outside our cottage in October 1991. He was just 6 years old. Who knows what else he may have offered the breed.
When mated to Ch. Rheinvelt Ringold Von Salador, Nutmeg produced our first wholecolour homebred champion, Harana Rockstar and Can & USA.Ch.Harana Charlie Parker at Brynwood. When mated to her half brother, Marelza Black Knight, Nutmeg produced H.Hanky Panky – 1 CC 4 Res CC’s Top Ruby 1992.
In 1988 we bought in a black & tan bitch, Linvid Enchanted Rose for Harana, a Knight Magic daughter out of the lovely Ch.Linvid Red Rose. She had some success in the showring but her forte was as a ‘Mum’. In her first litter to H.Charlie Parker she produced H Estalene – 1 CC 3 Res CC’s Top Ruby 1993 (Estalene herself was the dam of one of the top winning black & tan bitches in the States AKC & USA.Ch.H.Precious). Her second to Ch. H.Rockstar produced USA & Can.Ch.H.Freddie Starr - one of the Top winning rubies in the States - and H Eliza who produced well for Messrs Hill & Webbers Montcolly Cavaliers. Her third and final litter to Ch.H.Too Darn Hot produced the brothers H. Courtney and Calvin Klein. Both were used only sparingly, but Calvin sired H.Jean Muir (herself the producer of USA.Ch.H.Versace and AKC Ch.H.Ted Baker) and Courtney sired Ch.Myhope Fever, the well known ruby who has had such an impact on the wholecolours in recent years.
Another bitch purchased in 1990, a Knight Magic granddaughter, Harrowbeer Sorrel for Harana proved a useful addition. To Ch.H.Rockstar she produced USA & Can.Ch.H.Horace at Brynwood and H.Hermoine, who was a potent producer herself, being the dam of Can.Ch.H.Wilson, USA.Ch.H.Howard and Ger.Ch.H.Fairytale Roxette. When mated to H.Hanky Panky, Sorrel also produced Aust.Ch.H.Slap‘N’Tickle and Nor.Ch.H.Goldleaf, both valuable producers in their respective countries.