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ForestCreek Cavaliers

Royal Spaniel

Команда форума
28 Май 2013
г. Минск
ForestCreek Cavaliers

We are Dr’s Kevin and Debra Cline, owners of ForestCreek Cavaliers, with the cooperation of Vinton and Mary Helen Cline, Kevin’s parents and Cheryl Stough, Kevin’s sister. Our daughters, Rachel and Emily, and Cheryl’s daughter Sarah, participate in junior handling at the CKCS conformation shows. ForestCreek is located in Shreveport, in the NW corner of Louisiana.

Our kennel began with our first cavalier, Lady, in October 2004. We chose the Cavalier breed after much research and consideration. We wanted a gentle and loving companion animal that was good with children. After time spent online, reading, and watching dog shows, we fell in love with the conformation, disposition, and storied traditions of the breed. When we chose our first bitch, we wanted a show-quality one from champion lines that we could show. Eventually, she became our first champion. As with all good things, this was not enough. Over time, our kennel has grown.

We have been fortunate to have finished Cavaliers Champions in both the AKC, The CKCSC, USA and England. To date we have finished 26 Cavaliers in the AKC and 8 cavaliers in the CSCSC, USA. Many of these were home bred. We have earned many Best in Specialty Show wins and owned some of the top ranked Cavaliers in the United States and England.

We are particularly proud to co-own Pascavale Phoenix, with his breeders Michael Levy and Mark Sedgwick, in the UK, who have earned the distinguished honor winning the breed at Crufts in 2011.

Over the years we have formed a special relationship with the Pascavale Cavalier Kennels in the UK. A great deal of what we know about Cavaliers and the type of cavalier that we breed can be attributed to this exceptional English Kennel.

As physicians, we are dedicated to the health and preservation of the breed. As such, we encourage you to take great care when choosing a breeder. Buy from a breeder who shows their dogs. Conscientious breeders not only strive to produce dogs of excellent conformation, but they health test by veterinary specialists prior to breeding. Owning a Cavalier should be a commitment for the lifespan of the dog, and one that will reap the reward of years of love and companionship.

We support and are members of the Cavalier King Charles spaniel Club, USA and the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, United Kingdom. We participate in the conformation shows of the CKCSC, USA and the AKC.

We have formed deep friendships with friends around the world through our cavaliers. To all of those that have helped immensely along the way, we sincerely thank you, especially Michael Levy and Mark Sedgwick.
Debra Cline
ForestCreek Cavaliers

Мы - это Dr’s Kevin и Debra Cline, владельцы питомника ForestCreek Cavaliers, в сотрудничестве с Vinton и Mary Helen Cline, родителями Kevin и Cheryl Stough, сестра Kevin. Наши дочери Rachel and Emily, и дочь Cheryl Sarah участвуют в конкурсах Юного Хэндлера на CKCS шоу. ForestCreek находится в Shreveport, в северо-западной части Луизианы.

Наш питомника был основан в октябре 2004 года с приобретением нашей первой девочки-кавалерочки Lady, Мы выбрали породу Cavalier после долгого исследования и обсуждения. Мы хотели нежное и любящее домашнее животное, которое было хорошо ладило с детьми. После времени, проведенного в интернете, чтения информации и просмотра выставок собак мы влюбились во внешний вид, характер и легендарные традиции породы. Когда мы выбирали нашу первую суку, мы хотели собаку Шоу-класса высокого уровня одной из чемпионских линий. которую мы могли бы выставлять. В конце концов она стала нашим первым Чемпионом. Но как оказалось, этого оказалось недостаточно. Со временем наш питомник вырос.

Нам повезло иметь Кавалеров- Чемпионов AKC и CKCSC в США и Англии. На сегодняшний день у нас есть 26 Чемпионов-Кавалеров США АКС и 8 Чемпионов CSCSC, Многие из них нашего разведения. Мы завоевали много Best в Specialty Show и владеем несколькими Топ Кавалерами в США и Англии.

Мы особенно горды тем, что являемся совладельцами Pascavale Phoenix вместе с заводчиками Michael Levy and Mark Sedgwick, живущими в Великобритании. который удостоился чести стать победителем Породы (ЛПП) на Crufts 2011 года.

Ch Pascavale Phoenix

За эти годы у нас сложились особые отношения с Pascavale Cavalier, Питомником в Великобритании. Многое из того, что мы знаем о Кавалерах и типе кавалеров, который мы разводим связано с этим исключительным английского питомником.

Как врачи, мы заинтересованы здоровье разводимых нами Кавалеров и сохранении породы. Таким образом, мы рекомендуем вам проявлять большую осторожность при выборе заводчика. Покупайте собак у заводчика, который выставляет своих собак на выставках. Добросовестные заводчики не только стремятся производить собак отличным экстерьером, но они также делают тесты по здоровью здоровья ветеринарными специалистами до разведения. Владельцы Кавалеров должны быть уверены, что их собака проживет долгую жизнь и они получат в награду любовь и дружеское общение.
Мы являемся членами Cavalier King Charles spaniel Club, США и Американского Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, а также Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, Великобритании.

Благодаря Кавалерам мы имеем друзей по всему миру. Всем, кто искренне помог нам на этом пути , мы искренне благодарны, особенно Michael Levy и Mark Sedgwick.

Debra Cline



Bentwood Chloe of ForestCreek, JW,
CKCSC, USA & AKC Ch, Crufts 2014 Best of Breed

ForestCreek Double O Seven, JW


ForestCreek Double O Seven, JW

Best in Show Wins:
Atlanta, Georgia Judge: Heather Lamont
Dallas Texas Judge: Brenda Turnbull
Mesa Arizona Judge: Kirstie McMurry

Reserve Best in Show Wins:
Dallas, Texas Judge: Ted Rogerson
Atlanta, Georgia Judge: Chris Knight

Reserve Winners Dog
Trudy Albright Memorial National Specality Weekend
Judge: Geoffrey Porter


Pascavale Jackson



Pascavale Jackson



Последнее редактирование:
AKC BISS / RBIS / Grand Champion
ForestCreek Lagniappe


Kevin Cline

17 февраль 2015 г. ·

Thanks everyone for all of the wonderful comments on Louie's ( GrCh ForestCreek Louisiana Lagniappe -
Ch Lanola Santana of Maibee x Ch ForestCreek Intuition) BOB win at Westminster yesterday. Thanks also to Marilyn Mayfield and Karen Chandor for their their support of Louie. And Jenny Rangel and Christian for their top rate presentation. It's truly an honor to go BOB at Westminster among so many great cavaliers.
Lagniappe is French ( Cajun) for " a little something extra". We certainly feel that way about Louie.


Pascavale Kira

Последнее редактирование:
Bentwood Chloe at Forestcreek на Joint CKCS Clubs Championship Show выиграла Bitch CC и получила титул CH UK


Последнее редактирование:
Последнее редактирование:


Kevin Cline сейчас с นรินดา สะลองลัน и

5 ноябрь 2019 г. ·

A great weekend at the CKCS ,USA National Specialty. Ch Bentwood ForestCreek Diamond And Silk was Best in Show under Alix Jauffret on the National Show day. She is the daughter of Ch & Eng Ch Bentwood Chloe of ForestCreek who won the National 5 years ago and Pascavsle Jackson.
Ch and Eng Ch Pascavale Tommy was Reserve Best In Show Day 1 under Carol Jenkins and Best In Show Day 3 under Pat Lander
Thanks to these judges.
Very proud!
Последнее редактирование:



Kevin Cline сейчас с Mark Smith и

6 декабрь 2017 г. ·

A big thank you to Ellen and Jamie Seidman for one of my favorites, Ch Tassajara ForestCreek Cristal ( Ch Pascavale Nathan x Ch Aranel Cookie). Currently the #1 cavalier in the CKCSC, USA with 6 BIS's and 5 RBIS's. It's a lot of fun to show one who loves to show as much as she does. Thanks to all of the judges that have thought so much of her for a fantastic year.
Последнее редактирование:

Laura Yassky Glynn сейчас с Anne Eckersley и
ещё 6

We may not be going to Orlando but I was lucky to catch Diana Han at the National Dog Show weekend in Oaks, PA.
Always and fun and exhausting weekend - it’s a tradition. Highlights include:
Lacey finished her AKC Championship. She is my 7th dual champion - my lucky #7! Thank you Kevin Cline & Joshua Marshall for sharing Lacey with me. I appreciate and treasure our friendship.
AKC & CKCSC Ch Forestcreek Diamond And Lace At Hudsonview
Chase was BOB and made the cut in the group under Judge Mary Jane Carberry and was BOB the following day under Judge Jan Ritchie Gladstone. Thank you Anne Eckersley for my adored Chase.
AKC GCHB, CKCSC Ch, Can Ch Chadwick Hot Pursuit At Hudsonview, JW
Thank you Kimberly Calvacca for handing Chase & Lacey, to Roxanne Sutton for handling Chase in the group and to Jacqueline Rickards Pomper for giving me more than a hand. Congratulations to ALL of the winners.


Joshua Marshall сейчас с Mark Sedgwick

It’s early in the year but we couldn’t be more excited!!!
#6 Toy
#1 Cavalier
BIS, RBIS, MBISS GCHS ForestCreek Just Right
At 18 months old he continues to blow our mind. From team JR our sincerest thank you go to all the judges who have recognized our special man.
Linda Pitts, Mike Pitts & Savannah Pitts thank you for everything you do.
(JR is Pascavale Haiden x ForestCreek Hunky Dory)

Joshua Marshall сейчас с Mark Sedgwick

It’s been an incredible start for this dog to say the least.
BIS RBIS MBISS GCHS ForestCreek Just Right
# 1 Cavalier Breed
# 1 Cavalier All Breed
# 6 TOY
This would not be possible without Michael Levy and Mark Sedgwick and of course Pascavale Haiden.
To Linda Pitts, Mike Pitts and Savannah Pitts, your dedication, commitment and most of all your devoted care to JR is unparalleled and most appreciated.



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