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Frans Xaviers добавил новое фото в альбом «GRCA Study Guide, by. by Marcia R. Schlehr» — с Frans Xaviers II и Maryza Maryland's Gold.​

8 февраль ·

A. Excellent forequarter assembly. ‘The well-laid-back shoulder blade and its angle with the humerus allows for greatest length of reach in movement, best muscular development of shoulder assembly and, with slightly sloping paste, greatest shock absorbency. With the point of support (foot pads) directly beneath the shoulder blades, this front is well-balanced, ready for action, but at ease. Note the strong neck running well back and strongly united with the back and shoulders.
B. Short upright scapula set forward on the body. This places the blades farther apart at the withers and weaken the merging of neck into shoulders and back. In order to achieve forward reach the dog will have to make extra effort to swing the leg forward, but will still probably lack a smooth, easy stride.
C. "Wolf shoulder".
Longer in blade than B and better angulated, but wrongly set. The scapula is too nearly vertical, the upper arm angling too far beneath the body putting too much weight ahead of front support. Again, forward reach will require extra effort, and having weight ahead of the support point interferes with kinetic balance.
D. “Terrier front".
The shoulder blade is nicely laid back, but the upper arm is too nearly vertical and pasterns too upright and rigid. This front may produce a short choppy stride, or action with the feet lifted high in a hackney-like action.
From Marcia Schlehr’s “Blue Book”


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