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Royal Spaniel

Команда форума
28 Май 2013
г. Минск

David McCullough

Norma Inglis с David McCullough.​

11 октябрь 2022 г.


“The I’m Only Human Picture Show” competition that we took part in during lockdown, was really popular. It lightened our spirits and brought us closer together. We saw our global Facebook friends at different stages of their lives, we saw their knick knacks, their favourite holiday places, mugs, shoes and almost every other category under the sun. And what opportunities our judges were given
. They may not have aspired to award CCs but they rose to the challenge of judging misshapen fruit and vegetables

The interviews with Sir Dudley Forwood and Susan Burgess posted recently were also well received and many have asked for more of the same.
Thought I would fast forward to today and conduct interviews with people from the current Cavalier and Toy dog fanciers.
And get your own answers ready ….I could be calling on you next

I made my way down under for our next victim

All the way to Australia to speak to David McCullough (CARIBELLE)
*******In his family of 8 photo .. can you find our boy David?
1. What is your full name?
David Graeme McCullough
2. Where were you born and tell us about your growing up?
I was born in Taita near Wellington in New Zealand’s North Island.
Both my parents worked full time and I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers … a good Catholic family

I consider us lucky to have had a great childhood growing up. We were a very close family. You wouldn’t always have thought so from the way we behaved towards each other but low and behold an outsider stepped in and then the “family” would rally round to protect its own. Out of the 8 kids I am number * in the mix. My 2 brothers live in Perth and moved there during the mining boom many years ago and made great lives for themselves. The rest still live in New Zealand and I see a couple of them regularly when they visit here or I make some trips home.
As a child there was always a family pet dog ... I remember the first in my lifetime ... "Misty" the Corgi - she was a nasty piece of work ... always nipping at your heels. The last one and my favourite was a German Shepherd named "Tiny" as she was the runt of her litter. Loved taking her out for walks - people tended to keep their distance.

I belonged to "Everyboys Rally" as a child - not so much for the religious side but for the great outings and camping weekends away. I put up with the religious instruction.
Believe it or not I was also quite the athlete ... going to athletic meetings every week ... I was quite the "sprinter" but also not too bad at Long Jump, High Jump and a few other events ... maybe I missed my calling and should have been an olympic decathlon eventer.
My first job was working in the local Dairy (Milk Bar) after school. I used to go straight from school so the owners (husband and wife) could take a break and go home for dinner – then he would come back and lock up at closing time. It paid well (well, in the mind of a young teenager) and helped me buy my first car at the age of 16.
Raewyn and I met in the early 80’s … although we had no doubt seen each other at dogs shows before we got together. Raewyn had Cavaliers but her main breed and first love was the American Cocker Spaniel. Not long after we met I told her that I was looking for a change … and was going to go to Australia on extended leave from work to see if I liked it. I moved to Melbourne from New Zealand in the mid 80’s and fell in love with the city and had no interest in living anywhere else in Australia. Having recently seperated from her then husband, Raewyn also thought a change was in order so she joined me in Melbourne after I had been here for a few weeks.
Although now seperated for over 20 years, Raewyn and I are very much still a partnership when it comes to our success in breeding and showing the “Caribelle” Cavaliers.
In the late 90s on a night out in Melbourne with friends … .hopping from one bar to another …. I got introduced by mutual friends to Robert. The rest they say “is history”. Soon after we met I went to Hong Kong for work. Robert came over for a holiday and then when my time in Hong Kong got extended Robert came back and we stayed for two years. That was a great experience and we were there for the millenium. It saddens me to see what Hong Kong has become now and I have no desire to go back there in its current political climate.
Robert is definitely not a “dog show person”. His first show was the Victorian Cavalier Club show with Maureen Milton (Fontelania) judging. I went Best in Show with the lovely “Hope” (Ch Portcon Darcys Hope) and Robert turned to our dear friend Denis Montford and said “is that good?”

3. If you could change places with someone for a day who would it be?
Malcolm Turnbull …. Self-made millionaire, ex Australian Prime Minister. I just think to spend a day in his shoes would be so enlightening.
4. Your favourite food? Your favourite drink?
I really LOVE all Asian food. Not too spicey but I can tolerate some “heat”. My favourite drink is between 2 choices …. Alcoholic and non alcoholic. Nothing beats a really nice New Zealand Marlborough Merlot whilst enjoying a meal and for just a refreshing drink I do like a Lemon, Lime & Bitters.
5. Best Cavalier Dog and Best Cavalier Bitch you have bred? Such a difficult question ….. but I am going to try to narrow it down to just the 2 requested (under protest

“Corey” – SUPREME CH CARIBELLE ICY COLD BUT COOL. From a very early age I could see his potential … he ticked all the boxes even when going through the “puppy stages”. He went on to have an outstanding show career at both Specialty and All Breeds levels.He was appreciated by all and has also proven himself as a successful sire as well with currently 19 Champion offspring.
Candy” - AUSTRALIAN and NEW ZEALAND CH CARIBELLE HELLS FLAME. An early success story from one of our very early litters in Australia (after moving here from NZ).Her show career started with many great Specialty wins whilst only a Junior. I truly believe she was ahead of her time.
Changed my mind, I’m adding another
…. Not bred by me but I was lucky enough to co-own and campaign and live with … the outstanding “Star” – CH EIREANNMADA DISTANT STAR. Bred by Greg Browne , sired by our Miltree import “Bertie”. I remember the day we went to visit Greg and he brought “Star” out on a lead for us to see – she was about 11 months old. I turned to Raewyn and said “she will be our next Best in Show winner” and she came home with me that day. And yes, two months later she was indeed our next Best in Show winner at a Club show!! She went on to be one of Australia’s Top Winning bitches in the breed and she passed away peacefully in her sleep
6. Your favourite aftershave
Armani Code Black (which I noted is the same choice as Michael Levy
7. Your own personal favourite CARIBELLE Cavalier over the years, not necessarily the best.
My favourite has to be “Corey” ….. not only because of the fantastic ride he gave me as an outstanding show dog … but because he is totally devoted to me. People used to comment that we were a “team” in the ring. Mutual admiration and it paid off.
8. Of all the Cavaliers you have judged which one in your opinion best fits the Standard (Caribelle excepted)
I don’t judge here but have been fortunate to judge Sweepstakes in the USA … and one of those occasions was the ACKCSC National where I had an entry of just over 120 exhibits.
My BEST IN SWEEPS that day was a dog that was to have a huge influence on the “Caribelle” Cavaliers.
“Justin” - AM/CAN CH KINVAAR BELIEVER FEVER. This dog caught my eye immediately and was one that I could watch move around the ring all day …. He was a “stallion”
Close up to him was the BEST OPPOSITE IN SWEEPS .. BONITOS COMPANEROS GIANNA NANNINI … the ultimate in feminity …. She would have fitted in at home very easily with our girls.
9. Your favourite movie? Favourite actor and favourite actress? PHILADELPHIA….. I am a big fan of TOM HANKS (and yes, FOREST GUMP is another favourite movie).
One I’d like to throw in the mix is THE COLOR PURPLE… I have watched it many times and nothing prepares me for the emotion it evokes.
GLENN CLOSE would probably be my favourite actress.
10. Your funniest moment in dogs?
I remember it like it was yesterday. In the 80’s when I first started showing I had a lovely Tricolour bitch “Cindy”. At a local Open Show she went Best Puppy in Show and I won a lovely silver cup (seemed huge at the time but was probably quite small) …. In my hurry to get home, I rushed packing the car and when I arrived home I suddenly discovered that I didn’t have “Cindy” … she was left in her crate in the car park at the show. Frantic calls were made and thankfully she was taken home by the Show Secretary. A bit like Michael Levy being abandoned in the car park. I can relate

11. Favourite singer and type of music?
I’m a Country Music fan ….. don’t have a favourite as such …. Just enjoy the nice easy tones and love having it playing in the background.
12. Kind of car you travel to shows in?
I currently have a Renault Koleos. These days we are downsizing as we travel with only a few dogs.
13. Saddest moment in dogs?
The loss of one of my favourites – “Lola” SUPREME CH CARIBELLE FAIRY TALE. Diagnosed with cancer. I always said that I would know when the time was right and that she would not suffer. That day came and of course we were never prepared.

And if I might just mention that losing Chanel, one of our cats and sister to Coco, was heartbreaking.
14. The Cavalier dog/Cavalier bitch you wish you had kept?
CARIBELLE RAGGITY ANN ….. a truly lovely tricolour bitch that we bred and sold to our dear friend Helen Porter. Of course she had the most wonderful home and show career but I always think of her as “the one that got away”.
15. What other pastimes do you enjoy?
Travel …. I love to travel … be it overseas trips or just weekends away. I spend HOURS planning trips, making bookings, changing bookings etc etc – I think I should have been a travel agent.
16. Your favourite judge?
Not known to most of your readers but my favourite All rounder judge here in Australia is Prof Brian Corbitt. What a knowledgeable man – both in and out of the ring as a Judge, mentor, lecturer.
Breed Specialist Judge – I would have to rate our Norma as right up there in my list. To watch Norma judge is a delight as she works her way through an entry, later on of course you then get the critique which while reading puts you right back at the show seeing exactly what she sees.
17. If stranded on a desert island what 2 items would be vital? Robert and his cooking utensils …. That way I have company and get fed.
18. Favourite TV programmes
Hands down favourite … GOGGLEBOX …. both the UK & Australian versions. The reason I love it so much is because I see so much of the main characters in oursleves … we sit at home and make those same sort of comments about what we’re watching or what’s happening in the world. I’m addicted.
19. What piece of advice would you give newbies just starting to show?
Watch and learn. Take the time to absorb what’s going on around you. Don’t jump in feet first with the “I know it all” attitude – that will get you nowhere. Have a tough skin – you need to be tough to survive the dog show world – it can be very cruel.
20. If a fairy granted you 3 wishes what would you wish for?
Health, Wealth & Happiness (boring I know)
21. How did you become involved with cavaliers?
I wanted a dog of my own and saw in the local paper an advert for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I had absolutely no idea what they looked like so we went along to have a look at the litter. The breeder convinced us to take a slightly older puppy bitch. My neighbour showed Dachshunds and convinced me to go along to Parades and Open Shows with her …. I was hooked and the die was cast.
22. Where do you like to holiday?
I love going to the USA ….. such a diverse country. My favourite cities would have to be Boston and Philadelphia …. just beautiful to explore without too much hustle and bustle.
For a bit of glamour and glitz then of course you can’t go past new York. Have been a few times but wouldn’t spend more than a few days there.
And my many trips to the UK and spending time with Norma and Gordon and Ruta and Peter are very happy memories.
23. If you could invite anyone from the past or the present to dinner who would you like around your table. You can consider celebrities etc.
I am going to say some of the founders of our breed …. I would love to know what actually went through their minds when re-establishing the breed and standard. Mrs Amice Pitt and Mrs Mostyn Walker … and wouldn’t it be great to have a conversation with Roswell Eldridge
24. What kind of thing makes you mad?
Injustice ….. there is so much injustice in the world. As I get older, I find I am more outspoken about such things…David McCullough.com …Cranky Old Man
25. Why do you think Caribelle has been successful over many years?
I think our success is due to the fact that we never suffered from “rose coloured glasses syndrome”. We are our own toughest critics when it comes to what we keep for showing and breeding.BRaewyn and I often disagree – but in the long run it has paid off for us. We plan our matings and look to what we might do with that pedigree in the future. Sadly so many are all about “the moment” with little thought to what they will do next.
David McCullough

David McCullough сейчас с Marianne Creary и
9 другими

18 январь 2020 г. ·

WOW WOW WOW ... what a day for us at Lang Lang Show .... a lovely summers day spent with great company.
A very well contested BEST OF BREED for "Corey" going on to take out ...
*** BEST IN GROUP *** under Anne Sorraghan (Vic) ...
and then .....
****** BEST IN SHOW ******
under General Specials Judge Mr Theo Horchner (Vic)
Sincere thanks to all ringside who took the time to congratulate us on the win and for your lovely comments on "Corey's" performance in the BIS ring - I am thrilled with how he showed - was getting rather warm at the end but the pic is a lovely momento of a special day.
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