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Royal Spaniel

Команда форума
28 Май 2013
г. Минск


В ноябре исполнилось 3 года, как ушла из жизни Shealagh Waters, одна из величайших заводчиков Кавалеров и Кингов современности.

В колонке Нормы Инглис я нашла статью-некролог о Shealagh Waters

Time to say Goodbye
Lorraine Gillhespy (Lorphil CKCS & KCS)

It is with great sadness that I write this tribute to a wonderful friend, not only of mine for almost 40 years, but a friend of an uncountable number of people throughout the world where there is so much love, admiration and respect for Shealagh as a breeder, exhibitor and international judge of Cavaliers and King Charles Spaniels. Shealagh died, at home, in the early hours of Tuesday 15th November following five months of a terminal illness. The North East of England has always been a haven for true friendship and Shealagh has always been there for so many of us over the years.

Shealagh loved all animals from being a very young child; in her early days she used to “ find “ dogs to bring home, much to her parents disgust. They bought her a pony, instead of a dog, on the understanding that it would not be expected to live in the house and so her passion for showing began. She competed, successfully of course, each weekend at gymkhanas and local agricultural shows. During her early adult years she worked both in the Civil Service and then in a local teaching hospital as a Medics Physics technician. I know that Shealagh thoroughly enjoyed this work but after her marriage to Harry and the birth of her son, Andrew and daughter Wendy, she moved to Burnopfield with her family to help her uncle Tom run his farm. Shealagh enjoyed milking the cows and driving the farm tractor.


Like many people who are denied having a dog as a child, Shealagh was determined to have one at home for her and her children and as we know there is no breed like a Cavalier that fulfils this better. So she bought a richly marked blenheim bitch,”Amber” sired by Pargeter Dusty Answer and a second bitch “ Heidi of Mayville”. Even in those very early years her Cavaliers were so well known for their fabulous rich, albeit heavily marked, colouring.

In those early days ( 1970’s ) a mentor of many Cavalier folk in the North East was Caroline Gatheral and as Shealagh always said Caroline talent-spotted Heidi at a local agricultural show, persuading Shealagh that she would have a lot of fun showing this bitch and so she did. Heidi was her foundation bitch and initially her pups were registered with her SWEETBRIAR affix. Following her move to Mill Farm, Chopwell, in 1979, she changed her affix to MAIBEE, giving her daughter Wendy the Sweetbriar affix. Wendy, this year, has registered her very first litter of pups using this affix, not of Cavaliers as one might have expected, but of Papillons.

Where does anyone begin to acknowledge the influence that Maibee breeding has had on the Cavalier world of dogs.
The first Cavalier litter bred by Shealagh was in 1972, this litter being sired by a richly marked blenheim dog “ Syretta Bracken” bred by Joyce Jay and owned by Pauline and Ian Sidgwick. This litter produced a richly marked blenheim dog, Sweetbriar Billie Joe who won well for Ann Irvine, winning a Junior Warrant and one CC and Billie Joe’s litter sister Sweetbriar Capricious Carrie who incidentally was the foundation bitch for Bill & Ann Moffatt’s Rytonion kennels. Sweetbriar Billie Joe was eventually mated to Astra of Maplehurst, the resulting litter producing Shealagh’s first Champion blenheim bitch Maibee a Misprint and a CC winning dog for Pat Calvert Maibee a Baronet.

Shealagh continued to use her skills when choosing stud dogs – she greatly admired Cavalier dogs from the Homerbrent, Lymrey, Ricksbury & Salador kennels as well as using her own Indianna Maibee and Maibee Lorphil Lagonda.

Craigowl Dixon (Ch Lymrey Royal Reflection of Ricksbury/Ch. Craigowl Silkience) was to prove to be the most suitable choice for Shealagh in that he sired the most influential of Shealagh’s stud dogs – MAIBEE MONTROSE. “ Taylor “ was lightly shown as a youngster; it was as a stud dog that he came into his own. He is the sire of the current breed record holder Ch. Keyingham Branwell, also the sire of many other English, American and German Champions. Shealagh has bred seven beautiful blenheim Champion bitches and more recently bred the multi CC winning dog Ch. Maibee Make Believe this being her first male Cavalier Champion. “Hairy” won his first CC at the tender age of 9 mths old, then a further two more before he reached his first birthday and now aged 3 yrs old has a total of 31 CC’s. “Hairy” has sired Shealagh’s latest Champion dog, Ch. Lanola Siesta of Maibee owned by Shealagh and bred by her good friend Stephen Goodwin.

One of Shealagh’s proudest moments was when the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, in 2009, celebrated their top dogs in a Parade of Champions at their Championship show. Montrose was again Top Cavalier Stud dog, Top Toy Stud dog and fourth top All Breeds Stud dog in the UK. After the Parade of Champions was finished Shealagh was invited to take Montrose on a lap of honour in recognition of his outstanding stud dog achievements. The wonderful applause and the standing ovation he received was unbelievable.

On that day Shealagh won

. a huge minor puppy with Make Believe at his first show,

. the bitch CC with Maibee Shine On and

. the Dog CC and B.I.S. with Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee

This was a day that many of us dream of and a day that Shealagh would never forget.


As one of the most successful breeders of King Charles Spaniels for almost 35 years, in partnership with Joyce Robins, ( Maplehurst ) Shealagh has bred or owned more than 30 Champions. Joyce Robins told me that her first meeting with Shealagh was at UK Toy Dog Championship show 35 years ago. Joyce had taken Maplehurst Sebastienne to the show as she was to be sold to a young Irish exhibitor. He considered her to be too big. Shealagh, who had been talking to this young man, fell in love with this blenheim and bought her. Sebastienne became her foundation bitch and so began a long and lasting friendship and eventually partnership, that never wavered, between Joyce and Shealagh. They and their breeding, based on the Zepherine kennels of Joyce Birchall’s, have been a force to be reckoned with for all these years. Shealagh also had very much admired the Tudorhurst King Charles Spaniels bred by Mrs Alicia Pennington. In the early days Maplehurst Sebastienne was so important to Shealagh’s breeding programme as was Ch. Maibee Carolina whose influence is still evident in her Charlies today.

Shealagh’s first King Charles Champion was a blenheim dog, bred by Joyce, Ch. Maplehurst Romeo; he was twice BOB at Crufts and her first homebred Champion was the tricolour bitch - Ch. Maibee Carolina.The blenheim dog Ch. Maplehurst Romeo, the ruby Ch. Larkrise Red Robin and the prepotent tricolour Ch. Maibee Clayton have all contributed to the qualities seen in Maibee dogs today. “Clayton” was undoubtedly such an infuential particolour stud dog, producing either Champions or CC winners in most of his litters. The ruby Ch. Larkrise Red Robin is behind so many quality whole colours of today, mine included. These dogs have had a lasting influence in the breeding programmes of other kennels. It should be remembered that Maibee / Maplehurst breeding in King Charles Spaniels have won CCs at Crufts in each of the four colours and were the first post war kennel in this country to have owned and bred Champions in all four colours. Shealagh and Joyce also had the distinction in the mid 90’s of winning the Our Dogs Top Toy Breeders award three years in succession.

Ch. Maibee Absolutely Fabulous also has had a strong influence, being top sire for two years and at ten years of age sired a litter of three Champions for Shealagh – Ch. Maibee Leyla, Ch. Maibee Leah and for David Anderson & Ian Watt Ch. Maibee Lola of Nisyros. Also bred by Shealagh and owned by David and Ian is the breed’s lastest Champion bitch - Ch. Maibee Dominique. Shealagh would have been so proud to know that her tricolour dog puppy Maibee Mr Kipling ( Eli to his friends ) is joint top puppy for 2011. As we move to the end of 2011 we can look back on the influence that Shealagh’s thoughtful breeding of Maibee Teddie ( sired by Barbara Plews Tewhit kennels) has had in siring Ch. Maibee Theo, the tricolour lad who is currently top King Charles Spaniel and who has represented the breed, so ably handled by Tania Ireland, to many Toy group placings. The most memorable & proud moment for Shealagh this year was at Birmingham Championship show in August when Theo won Best of Breed and then went on to win the Toy Group. A few weeks after this win I sat with Shealagh, Bill Tanya and Wendy whilst we watched the Dog World video of Theo achieving this very special win. Even though her health was not good, this gave Shealagh such a boost.

With Shealagh’s help and advice, which was always given freely and willingly, other breeders and exhibitors have benefited and had success with their King Charles Spaniels. I well remember Shealagh advising me to have a litter from my first home bred ruby bitch after she won her first CC. “ Put her away, let her enjoy motherhood and bring her back out when she has bodied up”. This I did and I was fortunate to gain two more CC’s making Ch. Lorphil Red Lace my first Charlie Champion. Naturally the breeding, behind Spice for three generations was Maplehurst and Maibee and this breeding has given me much success with my current Charlies.

Shealagh’s Cavaliers and Charlies have always been healthy and long living; full of breed type, sound and with wonderful temperaments. One only has to visit Mill Farm to be made feel very welcome and see the many aged Cavaliers and Charlies still enjoying life to the full, including Montrose.

Shealagh, up until her death, was Chairman of the King Charles Spaniel Club and Treasurer of the North East of England Toy Dog Society. Shealagh first began judging in 1979, and with her husband Bill Moffatt, who supported Shealagh in all that she did, has judged all over the world, including judging King Charles Spaniels at Crufts in 2001.

Shealagh and Bill have shared many interests over the years they have been together – both excelling in cooking, being perfect hosts to friends and family, enjoying many a weekend escape to London – Shealagh shopping whilst Bill would be booking a Theatre visit. They both thoroughly enjoyed listening to good music and for those unable to attend Shealagh’s funeral on Thursday 24th November at 12.30pm at Mountsett Crematorium, Dipton, Co. Durham, please listen to a piece of music that will be played during the service – Russell Watson’s version of “ You Raise me Up”, so very appropriate.

Dear Shealagh – we will all miss you terribly, you will be forever in our hearts, remembered with great pride and never forgotten. Lorraine.

Я обязательно переведу эту статью на русский язык, но в течение нескольких дней.

Буду очень благодарна форумчанам за дополнительную информацию об этом замечательном питомнике.
Последнее редактирование модератором:




Время прощаться

Lorraine Gillhespy (Lorphil CKCS & KCS)

C глубоким прискорбием я пишу эту статью, чтобы отдать дань уважения не только моему другу на протяжении 40 лет, но другу несчетного числа людей во всем мире, которые испытывали любовь, восхищение и уважение к Shealagh как к заводчику, хэндлеру и Международному эксперту собак пород Кавалер и Кинг Чарльз спаниелей. Shealagh умерла у себя дома рано утром 15 ноября 2011 года во вторник после 5 месяцев тяжелой болезни. Северо-Восточная Англия всегда была раем для истинной дружбы и Shealagh всегда была там, как многие из нас на протяжении многих лет.

Shealagh любила всех животных с раннего детства. Она с раннего возраста пыталась найти собак и привести их домой к недовольству своих родителей. Они купили ей пони вместо собаки, ожидая, что он не будет жить в доме. И с этого началась ее страсть к шоу (выставкам). Каждый уик-энд она успешно участвовала в спортивных соревнованиях и сельскохозяйственных выставках. В юности она работала на государственной службе, а затем вместной клинической больнице по обслуживанию медицинской техники. Я знаю, что Shealagh наслаждался этой работой, но после того, как она вышла замуж за Harry и родила сына Andrew и дочь Wendy, она переехала в Burnopfield со своей семьей, чтобы помочь своему дяде Tom с его фермой. Shealagh нравилось доить коров и водить сельскохозяйственный трактор.


Как и многие люди, которым в детстве отказывали в желании иметь собаку, Shealagh была полна решимости завести собаку для себя и детей. И как мы знаем, кавалеры подходят для этого лучше любой другой породы. Так она купила ярко окрашенную суку бленхейм ”Amber” отцом которой был Pargeter Dusty Answer и вторую суку по кличке “ Heidi of Mayville”. Даже в те ранние годы ее Кавалеры были хорошо известны за их сказочную красоту, хотя в большей степени они отличались ярким окрасом.
Последнее редактирование:
В те далекие времена (1970 годы) наставником любителей Кавалеров на Северо-Востоке Англии была Caroline Gatheral. И как всегда говорила Shealagh именно она заметила талант Heidi на местной сельскохозяйственной выставке и убедила Shealagh, что она получит множество положительных эмоций, выставляя эту суку. Что Shealagh и сделала. Heidi была ее сукой-основательницей питомника и именно ее щенки были первыми, которые получили приставку питомника (тогда это была приставка SWEETBRIAR). После ее переезда в 1979 году в Mill Farm, Chopwell, Shealagh изменила приставку на MAIBEE , дав своей дочери Wendy приставку SWEETBRIAR. В этот же год (1979) Wendy зарегистрировала первый помет щенков с этой приставкой, но не Кавалеров, как можно было бы ожидать, а Папильонов.

Повсеместно начали признавать влияние, которое оказывал питомник MAIBEE на мир Кавалеров.

Первый помет Кавалеров собственного разведения был получен Shealagh в 1972 году. Этот помет был получен от ярко окрашенного кобеля-бленхейма “ Syretta Bracken” , (заводчик Joyce Jay, владелец Pauline и Ian Sidgwick). В этом помете был получен яркий кобель-бленхейм Sweetbriar Billie Joe, который выиграл Junior Warrant (под Ann Irvine) и один СС и сестра-однопометница Billie Joe по кличке Sweetbriar Capricious Carrie, которая, кстати, стала основательницей питомника Bill & Ann Moffatt’s с приставкой Rytonion kennels. Sweetbriar Billie Joe был затем повязан с Astra of Maplehurst и в этом помете родился первый Чемпион-бленхейм разведения Shealagh - сука Maibee a Misprint и кобель, который выиграл СС, по кличке Pat Calvert Maibee a Baronet.

Shealagh продолжала использовать свое искусство при подборе племенных кобелей (собак). Она восхищалась собаками из питомников Homerbrent, Lymrey, Ricksbury & Salador kennels , а также использовала собственных собак Indianna Maibee и Maibee Lorphil Lagonda.

Craigowl Dixon
(Ch Lymrey Royal Reflection of Ricksbury/Ch. Craigowl Silkience) оказался наиболее удачным выбором Shealagh так как произвел на свет наиболее выдающуюся собаку Shealagh - MAIBEE MONTROSE. ( “ Taylor “)



А эта фотография MAIBEE MONTROSE менее известна:

Последнее редактирование:
MAIBEE MONTROSE, “ Taylor “ немного выставлялся в юношеском возрасте (насколько я знаю, у него 2 СС), но он был в первую очередь племенным кобелем. Он отец нынешнего рекордсмена (BOB) Cfufts Ch. Keyingham Branwell, который в свою очередь является отцом многих английских, американских и немецких чемпионов: Ch.Peakdowns Caprice, Ch.Brymarden Montana и его сестры-однопомётницы Ch. Brymarden Moon River, Ch.Timsar Mr.Moonlighter (который также выиграл ВОВ на Crufts, а также ВОВ Westminster и Eukanuba Show в США),
Ch.Lochbuie Geordie, Ch.Byermoor Queens Maid, Ch.Jolainey Taylor Maid.

Ch Keyingham Branwell


Ch Keyingham Branwell

Мне очень нравится еще один кобель-Чемпион, сын MAIBEE MONTROSE - Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee, который выиграл ВОВ на Crufts (почему-то в статье о нем не упоминается). Вот его портрет:


Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee
(Maibee Montrose Х Ch Lanola Salsa JW)

Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee

http://www.helandros.planet.ee/koerad/tommy/lanola santana.jpg

Брат-однопометник Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee - Lanola Roland Garros

Ещё несколько детей Maibee Montrose были экспортированы в США и там получили свои чемпионские титулы. Они были из таких известных питомников, как Craigowl, Grantilley, Keyingham, Lanola, Peakdowns, Turretbank.
В Германии в питомнике Angel’s Pride от Мabee Montrose родился Чемпион Франции Angels Pride Edinburgh.
В Великобритании от Мabee Montrose родилось несколько детей, выигравших СС, в 2009 году: Cobbetts Dizzy Rascal и Maibee Rosalyn.

Shealagh получила в своем питомнике 7 красивейших сук-бленхеймов, которые имеют чемпионские титулы (Ch.Maibee Misprint JW, Ch.Maibee A Cameo, Ch.Maibee Rebecca of Leyross, Ch.Maibee Sandra Dee, Ch.Maibee Delicious, Ch.Maibee Delightful, Ch.Maibee Gentle Touch) и совсем недавно multi CC кобеля-победителя Ch. Maibee Make Believe. “Hairy” выиграл свой первый СС в возрасте 9 месяцев, потом еще 2 СС, не достигнув возраста 1 года, а теперь, в возрасте 3 лет он имеет 31 СС. “Hairy” является отцом чемпионов разведения Shealagh: Ch. Lanola Siesta of Maibee , владелец Shealagh и разведения ее хорошего друга Stephen Goodwin.


Ch. Maibee Make Believe



Ch. Maibee Make Believe


Брат-однопометник Ch. Maibee Make Believe Maibee Picture Perfect (отец моего Сидни)


Maibee Picture Perfect

Ch. Lanola Siesta of Maibee

http://www.cavaliers.co.uk/Show/photos2011/richmond/20 richmond.jpg


Tanya Ireland with KCS BOB & Group 4 CH Maibee Theo and Bill Moffat with Cavalier BOB Lanola Siesta Of Maibee

http://www.king-charles-spaniel-club.co.uk/Dog shows 11/Richmond 11 Pictures.html
Последнее редактирование:
Одним из самых гордых моментов для Shealagh был когда Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club в 2009 году поздравлял Топ-собак на top Parade of Champions на их Championship show. Montrose опять стал Top Cavalier Stud dog, Top Toy Stud dog (выиграл группу Тоев) и стал четвертым All Breeds Stud dog в Великобритании. Когда парад Чемпионов завершился, Shealagh взяла Montrose на колени в знак признания его выдающихся достижений. аплодисменты и овации были просто невероятны!
В этот день Shealagh выиграла:

- класс huge minor puppy с Make Believe (это была его первая выставка);

- bitch CC с Maibee Shine On;

- Dog CC и B.I.S. с Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee

Это был день, о котором мечтают многие из нас и день, который Shealagh никогда не забудет!


Среди собак Shealagh три собаки выигрывали СС на Crufts . Это Ch.Maibee Delicious (в 2003 году),
Ch.Lanola Santana of Maibee (в 2009 году), Сh.Maibee Make Believe (в 2010 году).

Ch Maibee Make Believe
Последнее редактирование:
Нашла очень классный альбом с фотографиями английских кавалеров, в том числе и из питомника Мейби:
https://plus.google.com/photos/111349390273585040 ... 5604756931868706225?banner=pwa

Мой любимый Ch. Maibee Make Believe:


Marco Bindelli
INT/GIB CH Boatswain Camillo Cienfuegos and UK CH Maibee Make Believe

Lena Svalling Ekdahl

14 март 2013 г. ·




Ch. Maibee Make Believe:
Последнее редактирование:

Maibee Roselyn at Lovetrac

Последнее редактирование:
Последнее редактирование:


Ch Maibee Gentle Touch

Ch Miletree Nijinsky X Maibee Softly Softly

Owned by Mrs S Waters

CC Belfast 2006 ~ Judge Mr M Levy

CC + BOB The CKCS Club 2007 ~ Judge Mrs P Sidgwick

CC UK Toy 2007 ~ Judge Mr B Claydon
Последнее редактирование:


Maibee Moffat (Maibee Montrose x Maibee Vanessa)
К сожалению обычно после смерти заводчика питомник постепенно забывают... Особенно если нет членов семьи, которые бы продолжили его дело, ходили на выставки и успешно выставляли собак из этого питомника.
Но на https://www.facebook.com/ среди фото победителей нашла фото собаки с приставкой Maibee. Фото сделано в 2019 году уже после смерти заводчика.

Sandra Ireland Moger

28 апрель 2019 г. ·

West of England Open Show complete line up. Jo Lewis with Carleeto Joe Cocker RBD, RBIS. New handler Matt with Tracy Jackson’s Amantra Fairy Cake, BPB, Debbie Coole with Maibee Pixie Lott BOS, Judge Ros Baker, Anita Godwin with Cavaleigh Genova BPIS, Elaine Williams with Sorata Barley Wine Sancana, BVIS and Chris Knapp with Cridensa Conrad BD & BIS.
Последнее редактирование:

Sandra Ireland Moger

28 апрель 2019 г. ·

West of England Open Show winners
Debbie Coole with Maibee Pixie Lott BOS, Chris Knapp with Cridensa Conrad BIS, Judge Ros Baker, Anita Godwin with Cavaleigh Genova BPIS and Elaine Wiiliams with Sorata Barley Wine Sancana Best Veteran.
Верх Низ