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    Помет "О". Питомник Лелива. Минск

    Представлю на любимом форуме новый помет питомника под буквой "О" Родители имеют чистые генетические тесты Episodic Falling syndrome – N/N, Dry Eye & Curly Coat Syndrome – N/N , сердце, глаза - чисто
  2. Royal Spaniel


    TOP CAVALIERS IN GERMANY 2016Nadine Schiefner and her Cavaliers have finished the year with great results. In the Cavalier Club of Germany she won not only Top Cavalier with GCH Royal Romance For You(CH Pascavale Nathan x CH Royal Romance Bless Me) but also Top Puppy with Royal Romance I'm...
  3. Royal Spaniel

    ForestCreek Cavaliers

    ForestCreek CavaliersWe are Dr’s Kevin and Debra Cline, owners of ForestCreek Cavaliers, with the cooperation of Vinton and Mary Helen Cline, Kevin’s parents and Cheryl Stough, Kevin’s sister. Our daughters, Rachel and Emily, and Cheryl’s daughter Sarah, participate in junior handling at the...
  4. Royal Spaniel

    Кавалеры и продолжительность жизни

    Продолжительность жизни собак: Как долго будет жить моя собака?http://rhiannoncavaliers.com/articles/42-a-dog-s-lifespan-how-long-will-my-dog-liveавтор Anne Marie Rasmussen from CanadaA Dog's Lifespan: How long will my dog live?Life expectancy is based on averages. Actually the average...
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